Pearson: Social orchestration

Consolidating social to drive effectiveness and efficiency.


Mid-2021, Pearson came to us with a very specific project brief: to help consolidate its UK Schools Social presence. Social was managed by lots of different people within the business without a coherent approach, and as a result there were many channels set-up for different business lines but no overarching strategy or content guidance – meaning effectiveness and efficiency were compromised. 


We undertook an initial audit that included reviewing content performance and messaging across approximately 10+ channels, as well as conducting competitor and audience research. We then proposed a consolidated infrastructure outlining which channels to focus on and why, with guidance on overarching messaging and content pillars for each that could be flexed across different business units. 

The new strategy was much more audience-centric, and more focused in terms of channels roles and usage. It moved Pearson away from broadcasting product content, to adding real value to teachers by creating a community that facilitated information sharing and learning – between not just Pearson and teachers, but also peer-to-peer (between teachers themselves), which was a key insight that came out of the audit work.

A playbook was developed to allow the strategy to be implemented across the business, alongside new processes and ways of collaborative working to bring all stakeholders and content contributors together.

Off the back of the initial strategy and playbook work, channel and community management of the UK Schools social channels was handed over to Brands2Life.


Putting an audience centric approach at the heart of how Pearson speaks and acts on social has not only improved the aesthetics of social feeds, but within the first month of the new strategy being implemented under Brands2Life management, engagement rate increased by 13.3% from previous month.