Where science and creative
storytelling collide

The fight against disease is evolving. We’re using scientific data and cutting-edge technology to create groundbreaking treatments and solutions.

By turning complex research into practical tools we can revolutionise disease management and improve patient health and quality of life.

Combining creativity and technology can tell powerful health stories. Let’s explore two cases where science and emotion perfectly balance to illustrate this transformation.

Woojer, a haptics company and a well-deserved past winner at the Cannes Lions Festival, utilised their technology to develop a prototype vest for children with cystic fibrosis. This innovative vest transformed airway-clearance therapy, often described by one child as “the worst part of my day,” into an immersive and uplifting experience. The company discovered that music with 40Hz frequencies offered the same therapeutic benefits as traditional airway clearing vests. They then compiled custom playlists on Spotify. When played, the vest’s transducers converted the music’s frequencies into kinetic energy, producing vibrations that helped shift mucus.

Why we love it

While rooted in science, it required creative insight to develop a treatment that is both effective and an uplifting, joyful experience. This exemplifies how innovative thinking can enhance an existing solution.

Our second example is another music-led innovation, spearheaded by University College London (UCL). This project, Tremors vs Tremors, took the data generated by Parkinson’s sufferers and translated them into bespoke musical compositions that aimed to help relieve their symptoms. As well as demonstrating the impact of harnessing the power of data, this project also told a wider story about the individual nature of Parkinson’s, and how each person will experience it differently.

Why we love it

This creative execution stood out to us because it’s impressive to see scientific institutions, like the Department of Imaging Neuroscience at UCL, translate complex scientific data into something universally understandable. It underscored the importance of simplicity in healthcare storytelling.

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Telling an Impactful Scientific Story

Turning complex scientific data into engaging, uplifting stories can emphasise the health benefits and build confidence in new treatments. By highlighting real-life success stories, we simplify scientific concepts, helping patients and healthcare providers trust new advancements. This approach connects science to everyday experiences, making innovative healthcare solutions more accepted and appreciated. Here’s three ways to bring a scientific story to life:

1. Simplifying Complex Data: Transform complex information into simple, relatable stories. Storytelling makes data engaging by highlighting the human impact behind the numbers. For instance, sharing a patient’s journey from diagnosis to recovery makes the science more tangible and relatable, connecting emotionally with the audience and fostering a deeper understanding of the research.

2. Highlighting Real-Life Success Stories: Personal success stories about new treatments make scientific data more relatable and compelling. These stories turn abstract numbers into narratives showing the real-world benefits of medical advancements. This approach builds trust and confidence in new treatments, making the information more engaging for both patients and healthcare providers.

3. Building Trust and Connecting Science to Everyday Life: Showing how scientific advancements translate into real-world benefits builds trust in new treatments. Demonstrating how innovations have improved lives bridges the gap between abstract research and practical applications, helping gain acceptance and appreciation for innovative healthcare solutions.

Want to know more? If you’re interested in developing a creative campaign, feel free to call us on +44 (0) 20 7592 1200 or drop us an email at [email protected].