HRA Pharma appoints Brands2Life to support milestone contraception pill switch

London – 5 March 2021 – Consumer healthcare company HRA Pharma has turned to Brands2Life to manage PR around ‘Hana’ – a progestogen-only pill that the company is hoping to make available for purchase over the counter in pharmacies without a prescription, following a consultation process with the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).

This milestone switch, should it take place, would offer more contraception options that do not require a GP appointment or prescription, helping to provide more convenient and regular access for some women. HRA Pharma is one of the first companies to enter this new market.

Kate Evans, Marketing Director of HRA Pharma commented, “This project represents a landmark moment in women’s health and we are delighted to be working with Brands2Life to help us widely communicate this significant news.  The team impressed us from the start and have quickly established themselves as integral partners.”

Emily Thomas, Managing Director of Health and Wellbeing at Brands2Life commented “It’s an absolute privilege to be supporting HRA Pharma.  Should the switch of Desogestrel be approved and the license for Hana granted, there is potential to make a positive difference to the lives of so many women.  No only helping them to access contraception more conveniently, but also relieving pressure on already stretched healthcare services.”

The agency’s remit focuses on media engagement to drive and sustain awareness in national and women’s lifestyle media.

Brands2Life Health & Wellbeing practice now supports a number of clients in women’s health including vaginal health, cervical health, breast cancer and gut health.

*Desogestrel-only pill

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Emily Reid