Technology · Public Affairs

Building a science & technology superpower

pieces of coverage
broadcast interviews
senior stakeholders met
increase in enquiries + sales leads
increase in traffic to website


Position Pragmatic as the authoritative voice in both the UK semiconductor industry and the wider high-growth science and technology landscape, and influence and shape the Government’s semiconductor strategy.


Our campaign – Building a Science & Technology Superpower –  fast tracked Pragmatic and the UK’s semi-conductor sector to the top of the Government’s science and technology agenda, and engaged MPs, media, policymakers and think tanks.

Public Affairs
B2B (Highly Commended)
Best Public Relations Campaign
Public Affairs
Public Affairs
Best In-House
Government Recommendations

First, we commissioned an in-depth report with recommendations to the government and facilitated a parliamentary round-table. Using this report as a hook, we reached over 70 senior ministers, advisors, officials, parliamentarians, and influencers in the wider industry, including in10 Downing Street, the Departments for Science, Innovation and Technology, Business and Trade, and HM Treasury, and key parliamentary committees.

The report was pitched to media with clear messages from Pragmatic’s Co-Founders linked to the science and technology news agenda. This landed constant, hard-hitting national and broadcast coverage supported by our report and bolstering our political outreach.

MP site visits

To highlight the importance of deep tech manufacturing and to encourage investment in the sector, we secured visits to Pragmatic’s site in Durham from the minister responsible for the semiconductor strategy, Paul Scully MP; the Business and Trade Committee, led by then chair, Darren Jones MP; and a following visit from Jeremy Hunt, Chancellor of the Exchequer, to highlight the growth and job opportunities Pragmatic was creating.

Parliamentary roundtable

We recruited influential MPs and peers to ask parliamentary questions about the policies that affect Pragmatic and the sector more widely, enabling us to hold ministers to account on their policies and maintain pressure on them to deliver for the sector. We secured invitations for Pragmatic’s spokespeople to attend government-hosted Treasury and Business Connect Conferences, where they could meet and discuss policy with senior ministers.

Throughout this, we ran a thought leadership and profiling campaign focussed on the very top tier UK media.

“I’ve never had as strong a working relationship with an agency as I have had with Brands2Life. Their insight, enthusiasm, dedication and understanding were key to opening doors that were firmly closed before we began our campaign, and Pragmatic is now sat at the top table helping ministers to make the decisions which will have a huge impact on our business in the future.”
Kay Baldwin-Evans
Corporate Communications

Machinery in the Pragmatic production lab
Machinery in the Pragmatic production lab
Scientist holding Pragmatic’s Semi-Conductor
Scientist holding Pragmatic’s Semi-Conductor
Jeremy Hunt visits Pragmatic Labs
Jeremy Hunt visits Pragmatic Labs


  • Pragmatic’s Co-Founder invited to join the Government’s National Semiconductor Advisory Panel, advising on implementation of the National Semiconductor Strategy.
  • The National Semiconductor Strategy included Pragmatic’s key recommendations – most notably a guarantee of government investment to support semiconductor manufacturing, not just R&D.
  • 250+ pieces of coverage. with over 50 pieces of proactive, in-depth national media coverage and 10 broadcast interviews including Radio 4’s Today Programme, The Times, Sky News, the Daily Telegraph, City AM, Bloomberg and CNBC.