The Social Scoop

May edition

Here’s the latest scoop on what’s happening in the digital world this month, straight from the Brands2Life Digital Marketing and Social Media team.

LinkedIn’s ad experience gets a makeover


It’s been a busy year so far for LinkedIn – the platform has introduced a ton of new features in 2024. AI tools, CRM integrations, new UX and, more recently, improved usability of Business Manager – so ad campaigns are now easier to set up, with added guidance through every step of the process.

Why are we watching this?


We’re always up for social platforms delivering more value to our clients. These new features are not only helpful for marketers, but they’ll also help us create more efficient, visually appealing ad campaigns for clients, and better ad experiences for their customers. LinkedIn’s optimised the way brands can reach new audiences, and our Paid Social team’s HERE for it!

Alice, Paid Social Account Director, says: “By leveraging the power of AI, LinkedIn not only promises to improve ad performance, but also optimise campaign creation and change the way you can engage with your audience – this is very exciting!”

Inclusive language: it’s a must-have


Using inclusive language in your social content is important. But it’s not just about ticking a box for diversity and inclusion; it’s about showing your brand cares about everyone. This means avoiding phrases that could exclude groups or come across as discriminatory. Instead, opt for gender-neutral language like ‘they’ instead of ‘he/she’, and consider cultural sensitivities in your messaging.

Why does it matter?


Inclusivity can have a big influence on consumer behaviours. In fact, a recent whitepaper shows the power of using diverse influencers: 81% of Gen Z respondents said, “multicultural and diverse consumers significantly impact their brand preferences and choices,” and 72% of millennials agreed.

Sydney, Assistant Creative Copywriter, says: “Inclusivity can be adopted without losing the essence of a brand. Take Gillette as an example… by swapping ‘men’ for ‘people’ in their razor ads, they’ve made a simple change that resonates with a broader audience.”

LinkedIn’s playing games


Recently we’ve noticed a big shift towards experience on social media. With platforms introducing things like AR, VR, and social shopping opportunities, it seems like experiential offerings are on the agenda.

LinkedIn’s latest update in this ballpark is LinkedIn Games. It’s added three free “thinking-oriented” in-platform games people can add to their daily routine. And here’s the twist: results are designed to be shared with players’ LinkedIn networks, in an attempt to create camaraderie or spark conversations and connections.

Here’s our take


If LinkedIn can get users hooked on these three games, the hope is they may stay on the platform for longer. More time on platform = better chances of your content being seen and engaged with, right?

Charlotte, Senior Account Manager, says: “While LinkedIn isn’t the first platform to introduce gaming, LinkedIn Games will encourage users to spend more time on the platform and likely start engaging with it less transactionally.”

VR you ready? The Apple Vision Pro could transform brand video


Strada, the AI/creative cloud platform, wanted to explore more ways of using the Apple Vision Pro VR headset. So, it put it to work as a first AC (Assistant Camera). The results were mixed. It comes with some cool features like a high-quality display, wireless connection, and control over the camera and lens, making it great for focusing – but the hardware limits collaboration, which is a crucial part of filmmaking.

What’s it to us?


This VR technology could shake up how branded films are made – offering sky-high visual quality, without breaking the bank. Plus, it’s easy to use and efficient with its wireless setup and user-friendly interface. But there’s more: it’s compatible with smartphones like the iPhone, meaning videos can easily be filmed anytime, anywhere.

Fiona, Production Coordinator, says: “The Apple Vision Pro has the potential to reshape branded video creation, offering new avenues for creativity, efficiency and engagement in the digital landscape. I’m excited to see content being created with this tool.”

#GennyLec: Our social media predictions


There’s a lot of speculation around who will win the #GennyLec on 4th July… but who’s going to win the social media battle? The Labour Party’s already making waves with its new TikTok strategy, and we’re sure there’s going to be much, much more to come.

Why does it matter?

With most people consuming their news on social platforms these days, it’s going to play a bigger part in elections than ever before. So, what will that look like in the lead up to polling day? And could the election be won or lost based on each party’s social strategy? Our MD of Digital, Social & Influencer, Kinda Jackson, has thoughts…

Here are five things Kinda predicts will happen on social.