Vodafone: Tech Influencers

Using tech influencers to fill Vodafone’s junior talent gap

89h 10m
video play time
video views
engagement rate


Vodafone wanted more junior applicants for its software engineering roles and graduate programme.

To do this, it needed to shift perceptions – from just a telecoms company, to a great place to work.


We set out to reach young and budding software engineers on the platform they’re most active on – TikTok – by collaborating with a trusted and authentic voice in the space.

Through our rigorous PUNCH process, we identified TikTok creator and software engineer, Tasha Abigail, as the right person to champion Vodafone’s mission.

We collaborated on a three-wave strategy of content, shot by Tasha at Vodafone’s London office. She created a fun and engaging ‘Day in the Life’ video providing a ‘behind the scenes’ look at all the incredible office facilities and perks of working at Vodafone. Interviews with software engineers followed – showing off the real faces behind the brand and providing tips and first-person accounts of breaking into the industry.


The results were impressive; 32k video views, and a video play time of almost 90 hours. A strong engagement rate of 9.55% confirmed Tasha’s audience was relevant, and the content fit seamlessly within her feed, outperforming her channel benchmarks.

Comments are the best indicator of successful branded content – 27% of which were relevant to the campaign, with lots of interest in Vodafone, its open roles and specifically, junior positions and internships. Mission successful!